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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On 2:55 PM by Admin in ,    No comments
Syarat :
1. Mengerti apa itu Decompile & Recompile
2. Tools yg digunakan ApkTool / Tickle My Android / sejenisnya

3. Notepad++
4. Pc/Laptop/sejenisnya
5. Rokok 1 slop
6. Kopi serenteng

( Biasakan Backup sebelum eksekusi )

Cara Memindahkan Jam Ketengah
1. Decompile SystemUI.apk
2. Buka gemini_status_bar.xml di res/layout
3. Cek Line ini
4. Save and exit
5. Recompile SystemUI.apk
6. Done !

Source Credit to Agus Surachmat


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